Best Golf Bags 2015 / 2016
According to Golf Datatech, Sun Mountain is the #1 golf bag company in the country so it stands to reason that many of the best selling golf bags for 2015 / 2016 are Sun Mountain bags.
Golf Datatech’s ranking is based upon the quantifiable factor of sales. Golf Digest Hot List, on the other hand, is a more subjective, qualitative ranking based upon the expert opinions of a panel of highly regarded golf equipment writers.
Some of the top rated golf bags for 2015 recently recognized on the Hot List include the Sun Mountain Three 5, H2NO waterproof and Front 9 golf carry bags, the C-130golf cart bag, and the XCR hybrid golf bag.
Every year since 2007 the Hot List has recognized the Sun Mountain C-130 as a best golf cart bag. Recent award winners are the C-130 cart bag with 14 individual club dividers and the new C-130 7-way with just seven club dividers. Both models offer sturdy top handles for ease in picking up the bag and forward-facing pockets so all pockets are accessible when on the cart. C-130 also offers a hidden cart-strap channel tunnel so the cart strap goes through the bag and behind the pockets instead of crushing or blocking access to the pockets. Some prefer 14-way tops, some don’t. Now both options are available. As well as a C-130 model with a stand for cart-golfers who like a stand bag for the practice range.
Several Sun Mountain bags were recognized as the best golf carry / stand bags. The ultra-lightweight Front 9 carry bag has made the Hot List the last two years. Golf Digest said, “This small bag earns high marks for performing big. The top is flared to make it easier to pull clubs out and put them back.”
Along with the C-130 cart bag, the Sun Mountain Three 5 carry bag has been a regular on the top-sellers list and in the Hot List. For the 2016 Three 5 the writers at Golf Digest said, “The increased mobility of the strap allows you to put it on and take it off with ease. The top of this light bag was also updated: there’s a slight flare at the top to make it easier to put clubs in.”
Sun Mountain’s line of waterproof H2NO golf bags remains popular as well. Long the top-selling bag in Europe, more and more Americans are appreciating the benefit of having a waterproof golf bag. The H2NO Lite was awarded Hot List Gold, there is also a H2NO Lite with a 14-way top and a cart bag model. For even lighter weight, try the H2NO Ultra Lite.
XCR is a new bag for 2016. Much like the C-130 S, XCR is a cart bag with legs. As Golf Digest said, “So you like to ride in a cart, but you still want to be able to take your bag to the range without it falling down. The solution: a cart bag with a stand. This bag is built to fit in your cart, but it has a stand, too. “